Code Coverage |
Classes and Traits |
Functions and Methods |
Lines |
Total | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
0.00% |
0 / 12 |
CRAP | |
0.00% |
0 / 40 |
Session | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
0.00% |
0 / 12 |
342 | |
0.00% |
0 / 40 |
__construct() | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
6 | |
0.00% |
0 / 3 |
setLoggedIn($identifier) | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
2 | |
0.00% |
0 / 2 |
unsetLoggedIn() | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
6 | |
0.00% |
0 / 11 |
isLoggedIn() | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
6 | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
setCookie($key, $value, $time = NULL, $path = "/") | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
2 | |
0.00% |
0 / 2 |
setLoginCookie($cokieUserEmail, $deviceName, $plainTextCode) | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
2 | |
0.00% |
0 / 5 |
getLoginCookie() | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
6 | |
0.00% |
0 / 7 |
getUserAgent() | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
2 | |
0.00% |
0 / 2 |
offsetSet($offset, $value) | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
6 | |
0.00% |
0 / 3 |
offsetExists($offset) | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
2 | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
offsetUnset($offset) | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
2 | |
0.00% |
0 / 2 |
offsetGet($offset) | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
6 | |
0.00% |
0 / 1 |
<?php | |
/** | |
* | |
*/ | |
namespace aae\app { | |
/** | |
* @author Axel Ancona Esselmann | |
* @package aae\app | |
*/ | |
class Session implements \ArrayAccess { | |
public function __construct() { | |
session_start(); | |
if (!array_key_exists("aae_app_Session", $_SESSION)) $_SESSION["aae_app_Session"] = []; | |
} | |
public function setLoggedIn($identifier) { | |
$this["login_identifier"] = $identifier; | |
} | |
public function unsetLoggedIn() { | |
$this->offsetUnset("login_identifier"); | |
if(isset($_COOKIE['aae_app_Session_persistent_login'])) { | |
$time = time() - 3600; | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login[email]", NULL, $time, "/"); | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login[deviceName]", NULL, $time, "/"); | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login[code]", NULL, $time, "/"); | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login", NULL, $time, "/"); | |
unset($_COOKIE["aae_app_Session_persistent_login"]); | |
return true; | |
} | |
session_destroy(); | |
return false; | |
} | |
public function isLoggedIn() { | |
return ($this->offsetExists("login_identifier")) ? true : false; | |
} | |
public function setCookie($key, $value, $time = NULL, $path = "/") { | |
setcookie($key, $value, $time, "/"); | |
} | |
public function setLoginCookie($cokieUserEmail, $deviceName, $plainTextCode) { | |
$time = time() + 3600 * 24 * 30 * 3; | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login[email]", $cokieUserEmail, $time, "/"); | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login[deviceName]", $deviceName, $time, "/"); | |
setcookie("aae_app_Session_persistent_login[code]", $plainTextCode, $time, "/"); | |
} | |
public function getLoginCookie() { | |
$result = []; | |
if (array_key_exists("aae_app_Session_persistent_login", $_COOKIE)) { | |
$result["code"] = $_COOKIE["aae_app_Session_persistent_login"]["code"]; | |
$result["email"] = $_COOKIE["aae_app_Session_persistent_login"]["email"]; | |
$result["deviceName"] = $_COOKIE["aae_app_Session_persistent_login"]["deviceName"]; | |
} | |
return $result; | |
} | |
public function getUserAgent() { | |
$userAgent = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); | |
return $userAgent; | |
} | |
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { | |
if (is_null($offset)) throw new \Exception("Provide an offset to save to the session.", 1029141512); | |
$_SESSION["aae_app_Session"][$offset] = $value; | |
} | |
public function offsetExists($offset) { | |
return isset($_SESSION["aae_app_Session"][$offset]); | |
} | |
public function offsetUnset($offset) { | |
unset($_SESSION["aae_app_Session"][$offset]); | |
} | |
public function offsetGet($offset) { | |
return isset($_SESSION["aae_app_Session"][$offset]) ? $_SESSION["aae_app_Session"][$offset] : null; | |
} | |
} | |
} |