Axel Ancona Esselmann
San Francisco, CA • • LinkedIn •
This PHP-framework was designed for rapid prototyping of data driven web and mobile applications with responsive user interfaces.
MVC based framework.
Dependency Injection Container for decoupled code base and TDD.
Templating engine that keeps content types separate and allows for reuse of HTML elements.
Designed for Internationalization. (View Example)
Database layer with object relational mapping using stored functions and procedures (eliminating SQL-injection).
JavaScript and CSS linker that eases file-composition and facilitates re-usability.
Includes account creation and authentication framework with activity-based access control to data, including images.
Code coverage with PHPUnit tests.
Includes deployment and update tool for mirrored production and development servers.
Web-applications powered by the Composition framework:
This very site
Restaurant Reservation Application (School project)