Axel Ancona Esselmann
San Francisco, CA • • LinkedIn •
LiveUnit (2013 — 2016)
A continuous test-runner for Test Driven Development with PHP or Python.
Invented concept, designed user-interface and developed application.
Designed architecture to be open for extension to other languages with unit-testing-packages and to be easily customizable through user-settings.
Wrote multi-threaded services for running tests.
TabBookmarks (2014)
A Mac OS X service for creating bookmarks of tabbed finder windows.
Developed Mac OS X service with AppleScript and Automator.
Toggle Tests Service (2013)
A Service for Mac OSX to toggle between Test code directory tree and Source code directory tree.
phpRefactor (2014)
A tool for refactoring PHP. This plug-in for Sublime Text makes renaming of PSR-0 compliant classes a breeze.
Open Source Content
LoremIpsumator (2015)
A random content generator for rapid prototyping written in PHP.
IOS UI Controls (2015 - current)
Controls for IOS written in Swift that are customizable through Interface Builder.
JavaScript UI Controls (2014 - current)
Web App controls written in JavaScript.