Axel Ancona Esselmann
San Francisco, CA • • LinkedIn •
A markup language that allows for content composition and maintaining of global link lists.
Write legible text files that get converted to marked up html
Easily embed external content (flickr photo streams, youtube videos..) while maintaining readability of the source text
Maintain a master link list to prevent stale links.
Compose documents by including references to other files marked up with MyMark.
Emphasizing text:
This sentence contains **bold words**.
This sentence contains bold words.
This sentence contains *italic words*.
This sentence contains italic words.
This sentence has ***bold italic words***.
This sentence has bold italic words.
Newlines and paragraphs:
A single newline
results in a new line.
Two newlines create a new paragraph.
A single newline
results in a new line.
Two newlines create a new paragraph.
# The number of hash-tags
## defines
### the heding
Adding {braces} to a word in a heading turn it into a css-id
Linking content
All external references are indicated in text with square brackets. The source is given at the end of the paragraph, or at the end of the document.
Eventually a reference file can be provided, which allows for liks to be maintained seperate from the text.
Explicit links:
Single word that serves as a link:
This is a link[1] to google.
This is a link to google.
If more than one word are to serve as the link's text, use additional square brackets:
This is [a link to google][1].
This is a link to google.
If multiple pages use the same set of links, a global file with links can be used:
A global list of links in a separate file:
[__GLOBAL__]: /file/starting/with/document_root/
Include a Include a css id or classes with a link.
Include a [css id or classes][styled] with a link.
[styled;#link-id.a-class]: /mymark#link-id
All embedded content can contain additional information like the size or CSS class.
This is an image:
[a picture of a sand dollar][p1]
[p1;i]: /images/SandDollar_small.jpg
This is an image:
Embedding images and videos from external sources
This is an image from flickr [a star trail picture][i1]
This is an image from flickr:
This is a video on youtube [a star trail picture][i4]
This is a video on youtube:
public function __construct() {
echo 'Hello World!';
<script type=""></script>
to activate syntax highlighting.
This is item 1. or one.
still one
still 1
and stillThis is item 2. or two.
still twoThis is item 3. or three.
bullet one
bullet two
This is part
This is part
This is part
This is part
This is part
This is part
Roman one
Still roman oneNumeral one
Still Numeral oneAlphabetical one
Still Alphabetical oneBullet one
Still Bullet OneBullet two
Still Bullet two
Still Alphabetical one....
Still Alphabetical one!!!Alphabetical two
Still Alphabetical twoBullet one
Bullet two
Roman one interjected
Numeral two
Alphabetical one
Bullet one
Bullet two
Alphabetical two
Bullet one
Bullet two
Roman two
1) Numeral oneAlphabetical one
Bullet one
Bullet two
Alphabetical two
Bullet one
Bullet two
Numeral two
Alphabetical one
Bullet one
Bullet two
Alphabetical two
Bullet one
Bullet two
This is a table:
|Column name 1| Column name 2 |Column Name 3 | Column Name 4|
|default |left | center | right|
|1 |2 | 3 | 4|
|a | | c | |
| |b | | d|
| | | | |
This is a table:
Column name 1 | Column name 2 | Column Name 3 | Column Name 4 |
default | left | center | right |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
a | c | ||
b | d | ||
Another Table
Column name 1 | Column name 2 | Column Name 3 | Column Name 4 |
default | left | center | right |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
a | c | ||
b | d | ||
Column name 1 Column name 2 Column Name 3 Column Name 4 default left center right 1 2 3 4 a c b d
The end.