Axel Ancona Esselmann
San Francisco, CA • • LinkedIn •
Traces (2015 — 2016)
Visualize GPS tracks and generate beautiful vector-art.
Designed and implemented dynamic UI using AJAX for viewing and styling gps tracks. (view source)
Wrote unofficioal API to retrieve activities with GPS data from third party application
Wrote geospatial conversion tools that convert GPS tracks in GPX format to scalable vector art with Mercator projection in SVG format or to the KML format used by Google Earth.
Designed and implemented MySQL database-schema for storing and retrieving geospatial data with adjustable resolutions.
Achieved high degree of code coverage with PHPUnit tests.
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Cages (2014 — 2015)
Animal husbandry application for breeding laboratory mice.
Worked with UCSF-neuroscientist to generate use-cases and UI wire-frames.
Designed and developed responsive UI using AJAX, including interactive family-tree. (view source)
Designed and implemented database schema capable of retrieving hierarchical data.
Achieved high degree of code coverage with PHPUnit tests.
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OpenDiscourse (2015)
A prototype for a discussion site. A prototype with randomly generated content.
Developed random content generator for rapid front-end prototyping. (view source)
Designed and developed light-weight javascript library for convenient DOM manipulation. (view source)
Set up continuous integration with Jenkins, Codeception and PHPUnit.
SpriteKitJS (2011)
A simple 2D Game Engine for web games written in JavaScript.
Developed object oriented, sprite-based 2-D game engine in JavaScript. (view source)
Developed collision model for movable and immovable game objects.
Designed and developed obstacle-avoidance/shortest-distance path-finding-algorithms.
Back End Frameworks and Tools
Composition (2013 — 2015)
A modular Content Management System for modern web and mobile applications written in php. This site uses the Composition framework.
Designed and implemented MVC based framework architecture.
Created templating engine for keeping content types separate and easy internationalization. (view demo)
Designed and developed database layer with object relational mapping. (view code example: user creation)
Created API for Content-Type specific application responses.
Designed and developed JavaScript and CSS linker that eases file-composition and facilitates re-usability.
Designed and developed account creation and authentication framework with activity-based access control that protects user data through hashing and salting of passwords and through automatic throttling and rate-limiting of login attempts.
(View code example: User)Wrote PHPUnit tests (view source) with high test coverage for critical sections of the framework.
Wrote tools that significantly ease the writing of unit tests for database code for applications based on Composition.
Wrote deployment and update tool for mirrored production and development servers.
MyMark (2014)
A markup language that lets content creators write human-legible text that gets automatically converted into rich HTML pages.
Designed and implemented grammar for markup language.
All static content, including sections of this document was created with MyMark (view the marked up text file)
phpQR (2012)
A QR code generator written in php. Supports QR-code versions 1-40, numeric, alphanumeric and binary data modes, and returns either PNG or SVG vector output.
Developed QR-code generator compliant with the 2005 ISO standard.
Implemented Reed–Solomon error correction coding using generator polynomials and Galois Field arithmetic.
Developed object oriented library for drawing SVG vector graphics.